Creating the Right Learning Environment for Your Online Students

From a more inclusive approach to continuous access, there are many advantages to online learning. Flexibility is foremost among them, as students can learn even while traveling across the country or around the world. Still, successful remote learning requires the right environment to help students focus, stay productive, and grow academically. With more than 15 years of distance learning experience and input from certified educators, Oregon Charter Academy shares our best online learning advice to create a productive study environment.

Create a Designated Work Space

Our brains associate spaces with specific activities: we eat in the dining room, watch movies in the family room, and sleep in our bedrooms. That makes focusing on schoolwork difficult in an environment we associate with fun or rest. To boost concentration and productivity, create a dedicated learning area.

You won’t need to devote an entire room or purchase expensive furniture to design your student’s study spot. Simply designate an area, whether it’s an unused bedroom or an open corner, and equip it with comfortable seating, a table or desk, and ample light. Be sure to get your child involved in setting up their learning station, as this will get them excited to attend school each day.

Remove Distractions

Working next to favorite toys and tech is sure to make young minds wander. Additionally, distractions can include noise, uncomfortable working conditions, and more, such as low temperatures or proximity to the phone calls of a parent working remotely. Take a quick inventory of the learning area and consider removing any of the following:

  • Smartphones and tablets that are not required for academic work

  • Video gaming devices

  • Pleasure reading

  • Music with lyrics

  • Hobby items

  • Movies, TV, and streaming entertainment

If at all possible, locate your child’s study center at a distance from noise and activity, such as housework, younger children playing, or family members watching TV or listening to music. Finally, you may wish to restrict access to non-educational apps on your student’s Chromebook or other devices during school hours. These distractions can be a productivity drain and lead to poor concentration.

Establish a Routine

The Canvas learning platform offers continuous access to the curriculum, giving your family greater flexibility outside of traditional school hours. However, just because students can access projects and assignments at any time doesn’t mean they should. Routine is invaluable for successful learning, and it helps students build good habits that will last a lifetime.

Oregon Charter Academy’s courses include regularly scheduled video and audio classes with attendance requirements. Many other activities, however, like forum-based discussions, study, and homework, are completed on the student’s own time. Creating a schedule for these tasks encourages consistency, prevents procrastination, and ensures students have plenty of time to complete their work. Parents can work with younger students to build consistent study habits, then encourage older children to develop their own schedules and make sure assignments are submitted on time. 

Find More Online Learning Advice from Oregon Charter Academy

Every student has a unique learning style and academic needs. With the flexibility of online learning and an optimized study environment, you can help your child find success and build the skills needed for college and career readiness. For more online learning advice, contact Oregon Charter Academy. Our online charter school serves K-12 students throughout Oregon with a cutting-edge curriculum, advanced technology, and experienced teaching staff, all at no cost to you.


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