Elementary Curriculum for Oregon Students

The early years are among the most important for children’s education, laying the foundation for more complex concepts and advanced knowledge. To help every child begin a lifetime of learning, Oregon Charter Academy offers a robust charter school elementary curriculum that meets – and exceeds – Oregon state standards. Our cutting-edge learning platforms, thoughtfully curated resources, and differentiated instruction help us deliver the best possible K-5 learning experience, preparing students for success in continuing education, future careers, and all areas of life. 

For current elementary curriculum information, please view our course offerings and descriptions for the coming school year.

Our Curriculum

The content of all Oregon Charter Academy courses is tailored to meet state standards for each grade level. We ensure appropriateness and effectiveness through annual in-house diagnostic assessments, which cover reading and mathematics and help us adapt programs to align instruction to the needs of our student body. Our elementary curriculum includes: 


All students participate in core courses that address English language arts, social studies, and science. Instruction takes an integrated, holistic approach and covers a variety of subjects throughout the day to emphasize connections and facilitate learning. These programs instill foundational skills and concepts to support further development in middle school, high school, and beyond. 


Mathematics forms the foundation of the technologies that fuel modern society, from coding and computing to engineering, design, and more. Our elementary math courses provide a diverse introduction to core concepts, including arithmetic, ratios, geometry, algebra, and real-world numeric problem-solving.


Healthy bodies support healthy minds, and our physical education program helps students build strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination with child-friendly fitness activities and sports. At the same time, health education addresses basic nutrition, biology, and self-care, instilling the importance of lifelong wellness.


Art courses establish foundational principles of visual communication, including proportion, color theory, texture, 2D and 3D forms, visualization, and process skills. Students are encouraged to explore art, experiment with techniques, and develop their creative process. 

In world languages coursework, students learn more about the importance of communication across cultures. Doing so helps prepare them for membership in an increasingly interconnected global community.  


Our Alternative Curriculum courses are designed for students seeking an Alternative Certificate. They focus on training students to become productive adults and wise consumers through a range of skills including goal-setting, decision-making, time management, wellness and nutrition, housekeeping, finances, and more.


English as a Second Language (ESL) courses support rapid acquisition and mastery of the English language for nonnative speakers. Courses offer practice in reading, writing, speaking, and listening and support formal and informal communication. At the same time, students learn more about the diverse cultures that represent the United States. Students remain enrolled in ESL programming until they are prepared to integrate into English language courses. 

Resources and Technology

Oregon Charter Academy’s staff believes that real-world success begins with the Four C’s; communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. These concepts inform all coursework from kindergarten to 12th grade in a carefully curated curriculum that allows educators to draw from internal resources, physical materials, and open educational resources that include: 

  • CK-12

  • Discovery Education

  • IXL

  • Khan Academy

  • Newsela

  • FLVS

  • eDynamic Learning 

Every resource, learning activity, and classroom function is available via Canvas. This comprehensive online interface allows easy access to materials and facilitates personalized instruction, including support for 504s and Individual Education Programs (IEPs), to ensure an effective learning experience for every student. 

Enroll Your Child Today

Are you ready to make the most of your child’s education? Learn more about charter schools for elementary students and enrollment at Oregon Charter Academy. Our kindergarten through fifth-grade curriculum establishes a strong foundation for future learning and real-world skills that help children prepare for middle and high school, as well as post-secondary education and careers. For additional information about curriculum and distance learning, contact us online or call 503-897-2272 today.